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Akai Clavier-contrôleur 49 touches semi-lestées

UGS: # 418964   |   Modèle: # MPK249   |    Product Reviews7 Avis  Écrire une critique

Clavier-contrôleur 49 touches semi-lestées

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Clavier-contrôleur 49 touches semi-lestées
Clavier-contrôleur 49 touches semi-lestées
Votre prix: $599.00 CDN
ou à partir de $63 CDN/mo

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Nouvelle série de claviers maîtres MPK AKAI Professional dotés d’un tout nouveau design, plus minces et disposant de pads rétro-éclairés RVB, inspirés directement de la MPC Renaissance, d'un écran LCD et de touches de controle dédiées pour l'accès direct aux fonctions de base des principaux logiciels Audio/Midi.

Les claviers de la série MPK vous permettent de libérer votre créativité musicale sur scène et en studio. Leur conception est fidèle aux standards de fabrication de la marque. Ils cumulent des fonctions qui en font la solution idéale pour tous ceux qui veulent controler de façon efficace et intuitive leurs logiciels, plug-ins et instruments virtuels.

- Clavier semi-lesté à 49 touches sensibles à la vélocité et à l'aftertouch
- 16 pads RVB dérivés de la MPC Renaissance, rétro-éclairés, sensibles à la vélocité et à la pression (4 banques)
- 8 faders et 8 potentiomètres de controle assignables
- 8 boutons rétro-éclairés (avec 3 layers)

- Controles additionnels : MPC Note Repeat, MPC Swing, MPC Full level, 16 levels, Tap Tempo et Time division
- Nouveau design avec écran LCD pour un accès rapide aux fonctions de base des principaux logiciels Audio/Midi
- Molettes de pitch et de modulation hypersensibles, controle d’octave
- Port USB/MIDI avec entrée et sortie MIDI DIN 5 broches
- Entrées pour pédales d'expression et de sustain

- Inclus les logiciels Ableton™ Live Lite, Hybrid 3 d'Air Music Tech, Twist 2.0 de Sonivox et AKAI Pro MPC Essentials (en téléchargement)

- Poids et dimensions : 5,72 kg, 734 x 310 x 85 mm

Q et R

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Uncompatible with Logic Pro M1 chip 1 personne sur 5 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Edmonton Highlands, Alberta
Just recently I've had the chance to plug in to my MacBook to discover that Akai has an issue on their side causing Logic Pro to not recognize this controller. Still haven't figured it out, and I don't have time to waste troubleshooting. Do not buy Akai if your Mac has the M1 chip. It does work with GarageBand on the older iMac. I can't comment on the features and quality. Very disappointed here, and that's my review.
Posted by Dion on Dec 24, 2023
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I'm keeping it now 0 personne sur 0 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Cobourg, Ontario
I use Cubase and this unit (I bought used 1 1/2 yr ago) was an entry level controller for me (I'm entry, not the unit). I have been looking for a midi controller that is mapped in Cubase 12 and now this is, finally! Now I have no reason to change to something else. This does everything (for me).
Posted by Ralph on Feb 17, 2023
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Not your daddy's MIDI keyboard. 7 personnes sur 7 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Victoria, British Columbia
This keyboard is a joy to play. It's solid as heck, the keys are whisper quiet but perfectly weighted to coax smooth, fast scales and fingerings. Considering my first MIDI keyboard was a Roland JX-3P purchased back in the mid-80's, I can definitely say they've come a long ways. For starters, if you're expecting a synth, don't buy this. It doesn't make sound internally in any way, it's just a device to tell other things what to do. Kind of like the most incredible mouse a keyboard player could buy - doesn't do anything by itself but man can you control software with it. Having said that, if you are a beginner to music, music production or keyboards, this probably isn't for you either. The setup requires you to have at least a basic understanding of music production, DAW's, VST's and hardware. Some of the included software is fairly involved and the keyboard itself requires certain DAW-specific tweaks for proper MIDI clock sync. If however, you are still reading you're probably the type of person who would love this thing to bits. I do. Man, what a joy to use. It's not going to change your life completely but it's definitely going to make it a whole lot easier to live in. As I mentioned, the keybed is very high quality, as is the overall build. The pads are solid, yet responsive and include aftertouch information, which is pretty fun on a synth or something. The sliders and knobs map effortlessly to anything you can imagine and feel great to spin and slide. It includes transport buttons as well, for easy control and will flat up map to your mixing controls practically by itself. Speaking of synths, it comes with VIP, a pretty clever piece of software that rounds up all your virtual instruments and effects and allows you to play them stacked or individually as a standalone app. It's actually pretty handy and has some powerful features that amount to the user having the ability to take this keyboard, a laptop, and an interface directly to a gig, plug in to the board and hit go on an entire live performance without ever opening your DAW. A quick note on the pads, keys, note repeat and the arpeggiator. I've seen on the interwebs that people are losing their minds over trying to get them all to work and it boils down to a few simple concepts. First, if you want to sync to your DAW, you have to set the keyboard to accept external clock signals. Second, and I can't stress this enough, the note repeat only works on the pads. The arpeggiator only works on keys. Period. In conclusion, this is the best investment I've made in a MIDI controller in a long time. It is far more compatible with every DAW than any current offering from Native Instruments, the most obvious comparison. There are other controllers that will do similar for less, but nothing is going to beat my Akai for performance, features and price. You'll pry this from my cold dead hands.
Posted by Kelly on Dec 19, 2020
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Amazing Midi 2 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   North York (Steeles), Ontario
Truely an amazing keyboared. Amazing featurs, love the fadrers and knobs and probebly the best pads I've played. The keys feel great and the softwares are amazing. Super easy to change things to your prefrence using the LED screen after you get the hang of it.
Posted by Jacob Eisen on Apr 23, 2017
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Great MIDI Keyboard 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Burlington, Ontario
Bought this after selling my Machine MK1 and an M-Audio Oxy64 for an all in one experience. Syncs really well with Ableton Live (9.5) but I did have to do some key mapping, which is easy to do through the keyboard itself. The Pads work beautifully and the keys have a good amount of feedback.
Posted by anonymous on Dec 2, 2015
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Incredible 4 personnes sur 5 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit   I own it
Succursale   Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Great functionality, great keys, and the best pads in the business. Bundled software is fantastic too. Worth every penny.
Posted by anonymous on Apr 7, 2015
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awesome. 7 personnes sur 7 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit   I own it
Succursale   Edmonton Mayfield, Alberta
I'm more then happy with this purchase. The 249 has increasingly helped my work flow, making it easier for me to get my ideas right out then and there. hybrid, mpc essentials and twist were neat additions too! overall, great machine! Right now its the same price as the mpk49 so i would defiantly suggest getting the 249 for the new features and bonus plug-ins.
Posted by anonymous on Jul 13, 2014
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