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Yorkville Sound Support en X à simple embase pour clavier

Support en X facile à installer, levier à dégagement rapide
Description :
• Modèle à embase simple
• Conception légère entièrement métallique
• Réglage rapide de la hauteur par simple pression
• Se plie rapidement pour un transport facile
• Pieds caoutchoutés antidérapants
• Finition résistante aux rayures
• Niveaux supplémentaires disponibles
Caractéristiques :
Hauteur : 63,5 à 91,4 cm (25 à 36 po)
Largeur : 25,4 à 73,7 cm (10 à 29 po)
Hauteur une fois plié : 101,6 cm (40 po)
Poids : 4,1 kg (8 lb)
Embase : Simple
Capacité pondérale : 40 lb
Pour les claviers plus lourds, utilisez le support IKS-7
Description :
• Modèle à embase simple
• Conception légère entièrement métallique
• Réglage rapide de la hauteur par simple pression
• Se plie rapidement pour un transport facile
• Pieds caoutchoutés antidérapants
• Finition résistante aux rayures
• Niveaux supplémentaires disponibles
Caractéristiques :
Hauteur : 63,5 à 91,4 cm (25 à 36 po)
Largeur : 25,4 à 73,7 cm (10 à 29 po)
Hauteur une fois plié : 101,6 cm (40 po)
Poids : 4,1 kg (8 lb)
Embase : Simple
Capacité pondérale : 40 lb
Pour les claviers plus lourds, utilisez le support IKS-7
Q et R
There are currently no questions for this product.
Good Stand for Smaller Keyboards 0 personne sur 0 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit I've tried it
Succursale St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
I liked the way the stand locked into place but it didn't work with my Roland RD-88 keyboard. The stand would wobble while playing normally. The grips were hard to move as well. It just didn't work well with my piano but it might work better with a wider and lighter piano.
Posted by Caitlin on Jul 21, 2022
Response from Long & McQuade
Hi Caitlin! The IKS-7 is our recommended folding stand for heavier keyboards such as the RD-88.
Best Gigging Keyboard Stand 6 personnes sur 6 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit I own it
Succursale Victoria, British Columbia
This keyboard stand is the best one that I've found for keyboard players that stand up at gigs and want something small, light and portable (I also play guitar, hence the reason I stand up). The trigger makes setting up and tearing down super fast. The stand folds flat and is strong enough to hold an 88-key keyboard with weighted keys. I agree with previous reviewers that it doesn't go low enough to be the perfect sitting piano height, but it's close enough to get the job done. If you want a stand for a sitting piano that is permanently set up at home, there are lots of other stands that are slower to set up but will give you the exact sitting height that you need.
Posted by Tyson on Nov 9, 2017
It's fine. 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit I own it
Succursale North York (Steeles), Ontario
I've been using this with my reasonably heavy Casio PX-5S for a few years. My only real objection is that its lowest height setting is too high (what with the PX-5S being 10 cm thick from base to keytops) and I have to pad my chair higher for good ergonomics. It's perfectly sturdy and doesn't wobble much.
Posted by Chris on Jan 7, 2017
Great, but... 8 personnes sur 9 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit I own it
Succursale Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Just purchased this stand for use with a Yamaha P-35 and it a great stand. However, it places the keyboard at too high a level. The keyboard sits at 32" - when it really should be 29.5".
I have tried to modify the stand myself - but that puts the keyboard at too low a level.
So, to "fix" this problem, the adjustment plate would need to be rotated just a bit to allow for this lower setting.
Posted by Dell Krauchi on Oct 7, 2013
Tarifs de location
Ce produit est habituellement disponible en location. Contactez votre succursale pour plus d'information.
1 journ? ? partir de $2.00
1 semaine $3.00
1 mois $5.00