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Roland Pédale de soutien

Cette pédale à la finition irréprochable et à la réponse authentique est dotée d'un tapis en caoutchouc pour éviter qu'elle ne glisse sur un sol en bois dur ou en pierre. Avec un câble de 2,2m, la pédale convient même pour des clavier empilés. Capable de servir aux instruments à reconnaissance de signaux de pédale forte en continu, cette pédale peut aussi faire office de commutateur normal
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Good quality continuous pedal 0 personne sur 0 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale London South, Ontario
This pedal is well built and has proven durable. It doesn't slip on the floor, and has a useful rubber piece that extends in front of the pedal beneath your foot and helps prevent slippage. There are two modes you can switch between: continuous (where the value sent to the keyboard changes gradually as you depress the pedal) and switch (where it just sends an on/off value). The continuous mode is great if your keyboard supports it, but not all keyboards do so it's good to have the other option. The only thing it lacks is a polarity switch to ensure compatibility with all keyboards. Roland's polarity doesn't suit all keyboards, and while some keyboards provide their own polarity switch not all do, so it's always good to have the option on the pedal. So I'd recommend it as long as its polarity is compatible with your keyboard - research that before buying.
Posted by Richard on Jul 14, 2022
Squeaky bugger 1 personne sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Toronto (Bloor St.), Ontario
I blame myself, partially. I’ve bought not one but two of these pedals and I don’t know why. The first one squeaked. The second one squeaked. Household oil is a temporary fix but for over 50 dollars I’d want this product to be good to go right out of the box at the very least.
Posted by Patrick on Aug 26, 2020
Excellent pedal for the money 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Toronto (LM Pro) Eastern Ave, Ontario
I needed a continuous pedal (i.e., sends midi signals through the entire range of 0-127 instead of just a switch) for getting finer pedal control with Pianoteq and this is the best one I've ever used (I own Yamaha and Casio pedals and have used Kawai pedals (also great) on a CA97). The action is quite (make that very) firm but smooth. The flip out rubber foot is essential - your heel anchors the pedal in place on any floor. It's easy to be precise with pedaling and feather it just like you would on a well-maintained grand.
I can't really see myself using anything nicer than the Roland. I don't know about the long-term potentiometer wear but if I can get 5-10 years out of it then that's fine.
Posted by Dave on Feb 1, 2018
Non-slip rubber crucial, feel great 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Pickering, Ontario
This is a realistic-feeling pedal, and the rubber tongue that goes under your heel to hold the pedal in place is an absolute must in my view, especially if you are playing standing up. I have used one of these for many years (previously it didn't have the half-pedal continuous controller option)
Posted by jr on Mar 28, 2013
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