Rayons > Guitares > Acoustiques > Guitares acoustique dreadnought > avec micro - Dreadnought > Larrivee > Guitare électroacoustique LV-03RE Recording Series en épinette/palissandre avec pan coupé et électronique

Larrivee Guitare électroacoustique LV-03RE Recording Series en épinette/palissandre avec pan coupé et électronique

UGS: # 60155   |   Modèle: # LV-03RE   |    Product Reviews10 Avis  Écrire une critique

Guitare électroacoustique LV-03RE Recording Series en épinette/palissandre avec pan coupé et électronique
Votre prix: $3,549.00 CDN
ou à partir de $164 CDN/mo

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Corps Larrivée avec pan coupé vénitien, tout en bois massif de construction, manche une seule pièce en acajou, barrage et table en épinette de Sitka canadienne, touche et pont en ébène d'Afrique, filet en érable canadien, dos et côtés en palissandre, barrage en X parabolique symétrique, queue d'aronde ajustée manuellement, tête Larrivée ronde, logo Larrivée blanc marqueté, rosace avec plusieurs bandes et clés Ping 18 :1, filet de touche Ivoroid, pickguard biseauté exclusif, marqueurs Microdot Fretboard, garantie à vie limitée, L.R. Système Baggs Element Notch (source unique).

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Still Amazing After Years of Abuse 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
I've had my larrivee LV03RE since 2010. As a kid in high school I played every acoustic in the local long and mcquade and settled on the LV03RE after pinching my pennies from my part time job for a year. I lucked into a model on the rental floor that I was able to get for a steal at the time (otherwise it would have been way out of my price range). I've had this guitar across canada, to the united states, and back again. It's taken a decade of heavy abuse and rossette is about worn through. I've never felt the need for another acoustic, and I've never found anything that I've liked nearly as much (save for a few top of the line taylors at double to triple the price point). The rosewood really makes the difference. I've played a few LV09's that I feel don't come close to this model. However, I'm also not a big fan of gloss finished acoustics. This guitar is simple, does the job, and sounds great. It's reliable and stays in time like a dream. Store it properly and you'll never need another acoustic.
Posted by Kyle on Aug 13, 2022
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Larrivee LV-03RE 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
Awesome guitar. Impeccable workmanship. Sounds awesome and very well balanced sound across all strings. Traded my Taylor 314ce for it. Although the Taylor was a very nice guitar it is no Larrivee. It’s a 2007 model built in Canada. Oh, did I mention it is loud ! Sounds great with pick or fingers.
Posted by Will Tilley on Jul 23, 2021
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LV-03 RE Second time around 6 personnes sur 7 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   New Minas, Nova Scotia
This is my second one. It's a case of the classic, "Why did I ever sell that thing?". I had one a few years ago but a friend pestered me for it until I let it go in a moment of weakness. My reasoning was that I had my Taylor 614CE so why keep both around. I love the 614 but it doesn't sound that same as the rosewood LV-03 RE. The rosewood is hard to beat for depth, richness and sustain and the workmanship is impeccable. It responds beautifully to fingerpicking or picks. So ... I now have a LV-03 RE again. This one is here to stay. Over 50 years of playing I've had a pile of guitars, including a J-45, D-28 and even one I made from scratch but this one is home base for me. Top quality without the cost of gloss and inlays. I do about 50 gigs a year and this is a good working musician's guitar.
Posted by Andy on May 28, 2018
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Awesome !! 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Port Coquitlam, British Columbia
Well I've had this guitar 6 months now and all I can say is AWESOME..I've gone over this guitar inch by inch not one flaw..I've owned 20 or so accustic guitars but none as perfect in construction or sound as this one..I also have a Taylor 414ce also a beautiful guitar but it's no larrivee...if I do gave one negative it's when I got it the action was terrible and had to file down the saddle but other then that AWESOME !!
Posted by anonymous on Jan 16, 2017
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Great guitar 4 personnes sur 5 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Abbotsford, British Columbia
Bought my used LV-03RE a year ago and still love playing it. I also have a Taylor 314-CE, and they are both fantastic guitars. Neck action on the Taylor is so smooth it almost plays itself, but the Larrivee has such a wonderful balanced tone....it blends the sound in a way that's hard to describe. Both are excellent guitars.
Posted by anonymous on Aug 26, 2014
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Better than the rest 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador
I've owned this guitar since 2010 and is still the best instrument I've played in the price range. I shopped around for months, but the second I played this guitar I had to have it. It's comfortable to play, the tone is balanced, and the projection is phonominal.
Posted by anonymous on May 25, 2014
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Wow 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Waterloo, Ontario
I was shopping around to upgrade my acoustic. Had been looking at many guitars in this price range when I came across this one. The quality and sound is the best to my ears. Very balanced and pleasing tone. I get many compliments on the sound of this guitar. Sounds fantastic unplugged or plugged in. If I where in the market again Larrivee would be my first pick.
Posted by anonymous on Aug 19, 2013
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Unbelievable! 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Fredericton, New Brunswick
I've owned this guitar for about 6 years now and it never ceases to impress me. Like many others, when it came time to buy a high quality acoustic guitar, I was thinking about a Taylor, Martin, etc. and immediately dismissed the Larrivee. The owner of the guitar shop played this guitar for me and I was blown away at the sound! You will not be disappointed.
Posted by Mike on Jun 4, 2013
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Top Notch Acoustic Guitar 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Toronto (Bloor St.), Ontario
This guitar sounds amazing. It is very loud, comparable to the loudest I have heard. Sound quality is outstanding and very balanced across the range - mesmerizing at lower half. Electronic works fantastic with even low quality amps or if plugged directly into mixer. There is no pro stage where you would be afraid to play it.
Posted by Jim on Apr 29, 2012
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LV-03RE 3 personnes sur 4 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale   Victoria, British Columbia
The sound coming out this guitar is what will first attract you to a Larrivee but you'll soon find they are built beautifully. Well balanced and easy to play. Simply put Larrivee puts out guitars that can match up to the expensive Martin or Taylor. One of the best guitars for the money.
Posted by DB on Feb 18, 2012
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Tarifs de location

Ce produit est habituellement disponible en location. Contactez votre succursale pour plus d'information.

1 journ? ? partir de $48.00

1 semaine $96.00

1 mois $192.00

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