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Fender Amplificateur de pratique Mustang Micro

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Votre prix: $169.99 CDN
ou à partir de $25 CDN/mo
Le Mustang Micro est un amplificateur de guitare personnel complet qui propose une large sélection de sons provenant des amplis de la série Mustang, très populaire. Branchez la Mustang Micro directement sur votre guitare, connectez un casque, et choisissez votre ampli et vos effets. Il est idéal pour tous les joueurs, du débutant au pro, et permet d'obtenir rapidement et facilement des sonorités exceptionnelles lors de jams silencieux Dôme ou en déplacement. Vous pouvez également écouter vos morceaux préférés ou des vidéos d'instruction grâce à la connexion audio Bluetooth intégrée.
Q et R
Question: Can I use it with nylon strings guitar / piezo pickup?
- demandé le Sep 22, 2023
- demandé le Sep 22, 2023
Question: Does it give a true acoustic sound?
- demandé le Nov 7, 2023
- demandé le Nov 7, 2023
Play without bothering anyone. 4 personnes sur 4 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Scarborough, Ontario
I wouldnt bother to write a review but that wouldnt be right. This product is everything an more. You can use it for quiet playing even though for the guitarist it sou ds like you are blasti g away in a huge room that if not for the .icro would definitely wake the neighbors. You get variou amplifier sounds without having to own a dozen different equipment pieces
Its a .ust for anyone who doesn't want to bother anyone or be bothered.
Posted by Alex on Mar 14, 2023
Mustang micro 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Regina, Saskatchewan
Amazing little unit. Definitely worth the higher price. Highly recommended.
Tried some other amps for headphones and this one blows them out of the water
Posted by John on Feb 10, 2023
Best money spent 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Winnipeg (Wall St), Manitoba
Finally picked one up and I am very impressed. It’s all they say and more. Bluetooth works great. It’s all up to you and your headphones now.
Posted by anonymous on Jan 17, 2023
Increase your practice time 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Surrey, British Columbia
I keep mine in the gig bag with a set of Sennheiser IE100 wired monitors and have a simple grab-and-go practice rig. Stream some backing tracks/drum loops/lessons from your phone and jam away. Helpful if I am on the road or want to get in some late-night practice since my amps and pedalboard are in a space shared with the rest of the family. I still try to play through my main amp when I can, but honestly end up playing through the Micro most often.
Pros: Small, Battery lasts a reasonable amount of time, Easy to use, Bluetooth connectivity, Some amp models sound pretty good.
Cons: Good luck remembering what the 12 different colours mean for the settings lol, Some amp models sound harsh no matter what headphones I have tried.
Overall this is a great tool for what it is.
Posted by anonymous on Nov 4, 2022
Great for apartments 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Edmonton North, Alberta
Best purchase I've made for living in a small apartment. No more need to have an amp readily accessible if I am looking to practice. Plus it is much more quieter for those around as I am the only one who can hear the amp output to my headphones. The Bluetooth set up is great as I can jam to a song or lesson from my computer seamlessly.
Posted by Jon on Oct 27, 2022
Amazing sound! 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
Portable amplifier from Fender! Probably the best amp I bought because it sounds so good, especially with my 94 MIM Fender Stratocaster.
I recommend this device even if you have an amp already. Many different effects and Fender amps that is just amazing!
For the price of a Fender product that can do alot while portable, try it out people.
Posted by Braden on Aug 20, 2022
FENDER MUSTANG MICRO 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Toronto (Danforth), Ontario
WOW! Just bought it today at Danforth Long and McQuade.
What great practice device. Super clean great sounds and you can use bluetooth to play along with all your music files.
The only problem I had was that there was no manual included in the box. I found it on the web
Posted by John J. on Aug 3, 2022
Great little unit. 0 personne sur 0 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Courtenay, British Columbia
Bought this to replace a dead Amplug. I use it mostly for bass.Find it more versatile, and has great battery life.(No batteries to replace)
Posted by Dave J on Apr 15, 2022
I own it 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Pickering, Ontario
This thing is crazy good! Just bought this yesterday to go along with my new guitar. Absolutely no versatile, fun, easy to use, and the quality is second to none. Volume is comparable to a regular amp, sound quality is great (no static or feedback) unlike cheaper units on the market, all the features make it a great investment and well worth the price! No regrets whatsoever!
Posted by S. Pearce on Mar 30, 2022
Better invention than sliced bread! 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Prince George, British Columbia
I wanted to be able to practice anywhere, anytime and in my vehicle. I was able to use the headphones out to RCA then into the A/V jacks my car has in its center console. I am able to play through my vehicles speakers and because the Mustang has Bluetooth I am able to use a drum machine app and send that to the Mustang as well as being able to jam along to the songs that are on my phone. Very versatile little unit. I have been playing way more and the sound quality is quite amazing for its price. I highly recommend trying the Mustang out.
Posted by Jaime on Mar 2, 2022
The hype is real 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Victoria, British Columbia
I've had it and been practicing daily for a week. Given my limited time with it, we will see how durable it is over time.
Clean tones and crunch are very good. High gain, not so much. But for practicing, clean and crunch is only what I need. Reverb sounds great. I don't use anything else.
I saw a video with the presenters being astonished that it will clean up dialing back the volume like a tube amp does. And it really does. Articulation comes through as well. Impressive modeling in such a small package.
The Bluetooth works very well also. Straight out of the box it works with no lag with my iPad. I can easily play along with online lessons.
For my purpose, this thing is amazing and I would and have highly recommended it to a friend.
Clean tones and crunch are very good. High gain, not so much. But for practicing, clean and crunch is only what I need. Reverb sounds great. I don't use anything else.
I saw a video with the presenters being astonished that it will clean up dialing back the volume like a tube amp does. And it really does. Articulation comes through as well. Impressive modeling in such a small package.
The Bluetooth works very well also. Straight out of the box it works with no lag with my iPad. I can easily play along with online lessons.
For my purpose, this thing is amazing and I would and have highly recommended it to a friend.
Posted by Stefan on Mar 2, 2022
Best impulse buy I?ve made in ages! 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale London North, Ontario
I have a great desktop setup, and had low expectations. I just wanted something cheap and simple for using on the workbench, playing on the back porch, noodling while watching TV, etc.
However, it has turned out to be far more flexible than expected. The first sound I dialed up is great with single coils, P90’s, and my acoustic. Unexpected benefits include the fact that the same patch is impressively clean and clear with my 5-string and acoustic basses, it works fine with IEM’s but can also drive my Beyer D880 Pros to reasonable levels, and that the Bluetooth connection is uncluttered and convenient that I’m using it more than my audio interface and recording monitors for online lessons and playing along with YouTube or iTunes. The rest of the family also appreciate the way my amps have been gathering dust lately, especially when I get the urge to play late at night.
The rechargeable battery is another bonus- no fiddling with Duracells or power adapters, and I don’t have to charge it very often despite heavy use.
Best of all, I’m playing more often. Highly recommended.
Posted by Steve R. on Feb 3, 2022
Fender Mustang 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Relation au produit I own it
Succursale Montréal, Quebec
Great sounding.Easy setup. Loads of features. My only complaint: Standing up , had difficulty seeing setting and adjusting. On my Strat, could not pivot the unit enough to see, and when I pushed to program , it would slide. On my Les Paul , the unit was too low , and the display was almost hidden. Bought a1/4 male to 1/4 female and extended it. Helped a bit. But maybe Fender will tweak it a bit with a locking pin so it will stay fixed. But sound wise: Fantastic
Posted by Pat on Nov 15, 2021
The Mustang 0 personne sur 0 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Montréal, Quebec
Great gadget. Great sounds .Easy to set-up. My only bug:
Standing up and playing . Difficult to see setting on any guitar with bottom / side input ( Les Pauls , etc). Also the 1/4 jack on the unit could be a bit extended. Inserting into a Strat input, it will not pivot enough to see settings. I bought a short 1/4 male jack to 1/4 female then inserted the unit. Maybe Fender will tweak it with a better swivel and maybe a locking system to hold it in place
Posted by Pat on Nov 15, 2021
Great practice tool for apartment 5 personnes sur 5 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Vancouver, British Columbia
Is this a perfect clone of amps and effects that cost 1000s of dollars - no. Is it a perfect solution for practicing? Absolutely.
It sounds great (love the reverb and slapback) and I don't have to wait for the right time to practice - I am practicing more because I can play through my headphones any time I feel like playing - without worrying about annoying the neigbours or deafening everyone in the house.
Play through this while you're saving up for an amp and figure out what you like. It's 150 dollars...hard to see how you could go wrong getting one of these.
Posted by Rick on Sep 25, 2021
Sounds Amazing! 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Brantford, Ontario
The sound from this is totally amazing. It sounds great on every guitar I have tried it on. The only thing I noticed is I bought this just 2-3 months ago at $129 and now it's suddenly $149? How did that happen?
Posted by Anthony Gigliotti on Aug 2, 2021
Old guy approved 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Nanaimo, British Columbia
So good that I bought a "walking around guitar" for roaming the yard and getting the mail. lol Most of the effects were dialed in pretty close to where I like them, so fine tuning was easy, and some of the amp simulations are quite good.too.
Invest in some comfy headphones.
Posted by Ian Stewart on Jul 20, 2021
So damn good! 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale London North, Ontario
Love this little thing! Sounds great, has quite a few amps and effects to play around with, charge lasts some hours.
Easy setup, plug it in, plug in your headphones, turn it on, find a setting you like, and rock & roll.
If you're in a situation where you can't make too much noise, and have the need to rock, buy this little amp. You won't be disappointed.
Posted by Milos on Jul 7, 2021
Great for Practice 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Cambridge, Ontario
I've used mine for about 6-7 hours now.
Pros: Easy to connect to Bluetooth. You can quietly jam along with your Spotify tunes. You can quickly get a hang of adjusting volume so it blends well into your headphones. I find it to be great for practicing with your music without waking up your neighbourhood/family. I like that the presets are simple and you're not tempted to spend ages tweaking with the sounds.
Cons: The amp tones aren't great in my opinion, especially the cleaner settings. I find them to sound a bit digital. The driven tones are a bit better.
For the price, it's a good buy overall and I recommend it. I have yet to plug it into my computer for recording.
Posted by Jay on Jun 2, 2021
I still can't get over how good it sounds and how easy it is to use for the money. 1 personne sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Calgary Chinook, Alberta
This is a very impressive little unit. I use this with my pair of Audio Technica M-50x headphones.
I was very impressed with the clean amps (this is what I primarily have used) and reverb effects. The bluetooth paired with my phone flawlessly and I was able to jam along with my Spotify playlists. After over a year of not really being able to play gigs or rehearse, just the sensation of playing along with something like that was a bit emotional. Yes, I could always play with tracks in my DAW, but this is so simple and well executed, and you can balance the guitar volume with the track volume very easily by using your phone volume and the control on the unit itself.
It also is nice to be completely untethered except for the headphones - being able to play outside on the porch and in other rooms of the house is so freeing. Throw in the fact that it can work as an interface in a pinch and I can just throw it in a carry-on if I travel, and it is a no brainer.
I was thinking of the WAZA headphones for a while, but at $600 (more than I paid for my blues jr.) I just couldn't justify it. If you are looking for something that will do the same thing, don't hesitate and save some money. This thing rules.
Posted by Abby on May 2, 2021
Mustang Micro 2021 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Oshawa, Ontario
Shout out to Bill @ the Oshawa store. The Mustang Micro sounds better than my OrangeCrush50 amp with a headset on. I am not sure how this little device works so well but I am very impressed
Bluetooth works seamlessly with IPad,iPhone Bluetooth devices to play along. An FYI - it only works with a headset 3.5mm jack without a headset it does not work.
Overall very impressed with the sound/quality and ease once Bill in Oshawa walked me through it.
Posted by Dave B on Apr 26, 2021
Sounds great easy to use ? 0 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario
Posted by Dax on Apr 25, 2021
Mustang Micro 6 personnes sur 6 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Regina, Saskatchewan
For what it is, this is fantastic. Will it "nail" authentic amp tones. No, but it will give you very usable tones with effects that do sound great. The different amps work best to think of them as variations of a preamp (less gain and more gain), although there are some subtle differences within to give you the flavour of the emulation (e.g. the Vox amp sound is pretty good and close to the real thing). A surprising feature is how good the bluetooth audio is. Once you connect with your device the sound of your recorded music is really good. This is perfect for practice (sitting on the couch practicing) and could even give you usable tones if you want to record via the headphone out into a DI box or your interface. As long as your expectations are realistic (not the sort of quality as a Helix), you will love this.
Posted by Ryan Hicks on Apr 12, 2021
Little Gem 3 personnes sur 3 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Regina, Saskatchewan
There’s a lot of sounds inside this little box. Really responsive to change in both guitar and amp volume. In combination with the effects and EQ you can get a ton of different tones. Really worth the relatively low price.
Posted by Kevin Mullan on Apr 10, 2021
Very Impressive Little Beast!! 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Summerside, Prince Edward Island
Like all the other reviewer's, I will echo the same remarks on how impressive this little amp is! It bought it on a whim and so glad I did. Since I bought it, I haven't plugged into my "real" amp, this little baby is doing it all for me now. What I like most is the many sounds you can create by just a few button pushes. It really is a lot of amp for the money, I don't think you would be disappointed if you bought one!
Posted by Carl Arseneault on Apr 9, 2021
absolutely stellar!! 1 personne sur 1 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Burlington, Ontario
This teeny thing is fantastic! Works as an audio interface too (input only) so you can record with it, but the sounds this little thing makes is just outstanding. Great variety of sounds and the simple EQ (dark to bright) is great as well. I'm more of a raw amp sound person so the lack of distortion pedals, desktop app etc, doesn't matter at all. The 60s British is my fav, it needs no drivers and just works flawlessly.
Posted by Jason on Apr 7, 2021
Amazing 7 personnes sur 7 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Edmonton Mayfield, Alberta
I’m really picky. Really picky.
This thing really impressed me. It’s designed to be easy to pickup and put down. Charge lasts a long long time. Put it in your case with some earbuds so it’s always available. Love that it uses the newer USB-C.
It has JUST enough pre-configured options to give you a lot of variety. It’s curated well. It doesn’t have a lot of custom knob twiddling options. It’s not for that.
I’ve returned or sold on a lot of amps, pedals, and effects gear. Again, I’m very picky. This thing gets a 10/10 from me. It does exactly what it’s meant to do and it does it absolutely superbly.
Posted by Ian on Apr 6, 2021
Good little practice amp. 2 personnes sur 2 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Kanata, Ontario
Love it, use to practice without amp. with this little headphone amp. I can emulated different amp, and enjoyed running through my drills. Lots of fun.
Posted by Ottawa oldies on Apr 3, 2021
Awesome headphone amp, could be louder 4 personnes sur 5 ont trouvé cet avis pertinent
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Succursale Brantford, Ontario
I Pre-Ordered this the day it was announced at NAMM, and just shirt of 2 months later it arrived.
I've owned the Vox Mini Plugs before and this is honestly the evolution of the tech. The rechargeable battery with USB-C connector is the best upgrade over prior gen headphone amps.
I have a Mustang 1 v.2 and the Amp/Effect/EQ on this seems like it's about as robust.
My only complaint is that after tearing off the hearing damage warning, I was thoughly underwhelmed by the volume. It is definitely usable, but it definitely clips at a relatively low volume setting.
Posted by Matt Wise on Mar 17, 2021